Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Reframing as an Essential Coaching Strategy and Tool

Reframing as an Essential Coaching Strategy and Tool

53 min read

Korzybski, Alfred (2023) Science and Sanity (6th Ed.) New York: Institute of General Semantics.

Lippitt, Ronald, Jeanne Watson and Bruce Westley (1958), The Dynamics of Planned Change. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World.

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Watzlawick, Paul, John Weakland and Richard Fisch (2011) Change.  New York: Norton.

Weitz, Keven and William Bergquist (2022) Believing or Disbelieving Leaders and Experts: The Dangerous Influence of Conspiracy Theories. Library of Professional Coaching. Link: https://libraryofprofessionalcoaching.com/concepts/managing-stress-and-challenges/believing-or-disbelieving-leaders-and-experts-the-dangerous-influence-of-conspiracy-theories/

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