Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Thinking Whole: The Fundamentals

Thinking Whole: The Fundamentals

25 min read

If you can see, as we have seen, that supraconsciousness is a category of understanding that is different from ordinary consciousness and subconsciousness, you can begin to appreciate the richness and potentiality of this part of our thinking; this part of the power and the utility of the mind.

In its own turn, Supraconsciousness can express itself in one of three forms:

  1. Intuition
  2. Insight
  3. Enlightenment


Intuition is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as: “the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference.” In other words, you “suddenly and inexplicably” understand something without understanding how you got to understand it… AND in such a way as to be unable to explain to anyone else how you got to this incredible knowledge and/or wisdom. Intuition is a situational outcome.


Insight is defined by the Collins English Dictionary as: “an accurate and deep understanding of something…”  That definition makes no mention of how you might have arrived at such an understanding. It only recognizes that what you have is defined by accuracy and depth. Insight is a situational destination.


The website, Yogapedia.com defines Enlightenment as “a state of awakened understanding.” Enlightenment is a new and continuing state of mind that is not limited to context or specificity of topic. Presumably, once achieved, your “enlightened” awakened understanding extends to any, if not all, of your contemplations.


According to Wikipedia online:

[Innovation is:]  “the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs.” We would place innovation at the entry level of actionability when it comes to superior and exceptional thinking. This is mainly because innovation is, essentially, more in keeping with continual improvement than it is with creating something wholly new.

By our definition, innovation is all about providing better solutions.

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