Home Concepts Decison Making & Problem Solving Thinking Whole: The Fundamentals

Thinking Whole: The Fundamentals

25 min read

When you think about it, have you ever heard of a genius whose only qualification was being one; without the benefit of some action, idea, or decision by which that moniker might be validated?  In this context, it’s not much of a reach to perceive that genius knowable by and because of a moment; a moment, at the conclusion of which, something tangible was manifested that had not existed earlier.

This is what we would call a moment of genius. We further maintain that, while not everyone can be a Genius; everyone can have a moment of genius, repeatedly and on demand. This series of essays concerns the creation and facilitation of these moments of genius.

Conditions for a Moment of Genius

At any one moment or another, every individual, team, group, or organization will hope for an actionable moment of exceptional insight; something which may significantly affect the rest of their personal or business lives. But we can do better than hope. We can do better than settle for exceptional moments. The truth is that every one of us can reach for and achieve moments of genius; genius literally, repeatedly, and on demand.

Genius is a moment of brilliant crystallization and clarity that results from perceiving a fresh alignment of unapparent connections; an alignment that leads to new levels of actionability and opens up new universes of possibility.

It is such moments that define and manifest what we commonly refer to as genius. Some people have a talent, a gift, for precipitating moments of genius. We call them geniuses. But you don’t need to become a genius to achieve moments of genius.

How would you recognize a moment of genius?

  1. It must be something above and beyond the expected, the usual, or the ordinary.

A moment of genius is not the extension of something. It is not the destination of a journey. It is not the end of a process. A moment of genius is the start of something new. It is the place from which we go forward because what has come before no longer matters.

  1. Once manifested, it must speak for itself.

Once expressed and communicated, a moment of genius must appear to be so obvious in hindsight that it is surprising it did not occur before. No matter how complex or complicated, the essence of it must somehow feel simple, clean, and complete in itself.

  1. It must leave behind a tangible, communicable artefact; one which inspires, energizes, and guides. It can be a work of art or music, a theory in science, a formula in math, or it can be an exceptional solution to a common problem. It can also be a strategic plan, a vision for the future, or even a sleeve that keeps coffee in a paper cup from burning your hand.

Whatever the moment of genius is, it has to “live on” independently of moment in which it was conceived, designed, and executed. As “lofty” and “grand” as all of the above sound, they describe dimensions that can be found and sustained in even the “littlest” moments of genius in our lives. Those moments that range from how we resolve unsolvable scheduling conflicts to creating the future we deserve.

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