Home Concepts Ethics Nancy Strojny: Mentoring for the Greater Good

Nancy Strojny: Mentoring for the Greater Good

1 min read

Following is an interview conducted by William Bergquist with Nancy Strojny, who has for many years been a leader of the remarkable chapter of SCORE that is located in Portland, Maine–with a focus on small businesses. This chapter won the award as best SCORE chapter in the United States in 2019 and Nancy has played a key role in making this volunteer organization provide services for the greater good to members of the Portland community.

In this interview, Dr. Bergquist inquires about the Generativity exhibited at four levels by Ms. Strojny: (1) mentoring of individuals, (2) mentoring and training of other SCORE mentors, (3) honoring and celebrating the contributions made by SCORE mentors in the Portland community and (4) envisioning the sharing of SCORE experiences and expertise with other organizations inside and outside the United States — all for the greater good.



SCORE is the largest volunteer business mentoring service in the United States. It is a nationwide nonprofit organization dedicated to the formation, growth and success of small businesses. Founded in 1964, SCORE is a resource partner of the U.S Small Business Administration (SBA) operating through a volunteer network of more than 10,000 mentors. These mentors help emerging and existing small businesses solve problems and improve competency as they create businesses, jobs and revenue in their communities. Small business is the growth engine of the US economy, and SCORE has a proven track record of helping entrepreneurs create small businesses and jobs for America.


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