Home Concepts Organizational Theory Coaching and Expertise in the Six Cultures

Coaching and Expertise in the Six Cultures

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Thus, an organizational coach might wish to examine the ways in which her coaching strategies and perspectives help not only to alleviate anxiety, but also to reveal the underlying problem(s) that have helped to generate the anxiety. This is where expertise comes to the fore. In turning to valid and useful sources of expertise, a client can learn how best to address the underlying problem. In this essay, I have identified several of the strengths associated with each culture and the coaching strategies aligned with each culture. I have also suggested that there are multiple, credible ways in which to access expertise. Potential blind spots are associated with each of the six cultures—which means that expertise is invaluable that helps in the identification and alleviation of these blind spots.  We encourage coaches to explore their own untested assumptions and blind spots, while encouraging their clients to explore what lies beyond and beneath their anxiety. Perhaps a bit of expertise can be applied.



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