Home Concepts Organizational Theory Journey to Irony II: The Lands of Gamma and Delta

Journey to Irony II: The Lands of Gamma and Delta

43 min read

Movie figures are introduced into architecture. Warping occurs in the design of buildings, reflecting the conditions of the world in which these buildings have been constructed. Musical compositions are a compilation of many musical offerings (1910 and 1920 blues and jazz meet 1930s swing and American song book, which meet 1940s and 1950s popular music, which meet 1960s, 1970s and 1980s protest songs, which meet radical Rock and Roll, which meet Hip Hop and Rap). Even the Polis, where I first landed, is a mashup of several disciplines: political science, philosophy, sociology, psychology and history.

Learning about Delta

I am about to end my time in Delta, as well as my journey through the four lands. What have I learned about life in the land of Delta? I will first offer my analysis of how control operates in Delta: there is an interplay between an internal and external locus of control. The residents of Delta are given a considerable among of independence and control over their own life==evident in the diversity of political, social and cultural expressions.

I observed that this individualism and internal locus of control was often offset by a concern for and commitment to collective responsibility. George Lodge’s (1995) communitarian balance between rights and responsibilities seems to be alive and well in the quality of discourse (“Polis”) being engaged. This balance was also manifest in the interweaving of various social and cultural expressions of these rights and responsibilities (the “sociopetal” dynamics).

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