Home Concepts Organizational Theory Journey to Irony II: The Lands of Gamma and Delta

Journey to Irony II: The Lands of Gamma and Delta

43 min read

I might also learn something about courage and collaboration from identifying and seeing what lessons might be found in the lives and actions of those who are viewed as heroes in Delta. Four people come immediately to mind as possible heroes in Delta, First, there is Abraham Lincoln. His “team of rivals” (Goodwin,2005) seems to exemplify the spirit of “polis” in the land of Delta.

Second, I would nominate Joan of Arc. Whether the accounts of her actions are real or mythic, the courageous leadership of Jeanne D’arc in the midst of battle is impressive—especially because it is built on a compelling vision. She had to overcome the prejudices of gender and age to inspire and lead an army against the adversary. The residents of Delta would probably admire the way she used vision rather than brute force to build commitment and guide action. This aligns with the third model of leadership I described in an earlier essay: vision (rather than wisdom or bravery) reigns supreme in the legend of Jeanne D’arc. I think Joan would be identified as a hero in Delta, because this seems to be a land in which vision is particularly valued. Wisdom or bravery would only be honored if it were exhibited in the sustained dialogue of the Polis==and if it was engaged on behalf of arriving at a decision and course of action in the midst of complexity, unpredictability, turbulence and inconsistency.

I am reassured regarding my appraisal of Delta’s priorities (and potential honoring of Jeanne D’arc) when I think back about the music being played on my mobile app. It was not only the compositions of Sondheim and Maranda, but also those of Lerner and Lowe—and specifically their Broadway production of Camelot. There is something about the deliberations of Arthur’s round table that intrigued those involved in the Polis. There also seems to be an appreciation for the Hard Irony inherent in the last scene of this musical, when Arthur is faced with the disillusioning prospect of going to war against his best friend, Lancelot.

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