Home Concepts Schools of Coaching Eclectic Coaching and the Dangers of a One-Model Approach

Eclectic Coaching and the Dangers of a One-Model Approach

6 min read

Becoming a mature coach is a journey, where there is less reliance on tools and techniques and more confidence in being in the moment with the coachee, fully present in the service of a fellow human being. The eclectic approach to coaching is not mix and match or fruit salad; it is thoughtful, integrated and systemic in nature. At the end of the day, studies show that the major indicator of therapeutic effectiveness is not how smart the therapist/coach is or their fancy set of tools and techniques. The relationship of mutual respect, unconditional regard and commitment to bringing out the best in the other is what makes the biggest difference.

Why has coaching zoomed ahead of psychotherapy and refreshingly so? It’s because it started off as being accessible, not elitist and offering people especially in the workplace with a much needed space for positive conversation focused on growth and the future. Coaching is goal directed, generally shorter than therapy, is less stigmatised and has opened up a deeper appreciation of attitudes and behavioural skills as the competitive advantage for organisations. One-model approaches entrench an expert – patient approach which competent coaches must guard against.

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