Home Curated 2016 Curated 2016: An Alliance

Curated 2016: An Alliance

5 min read

A total of 36 articles were selected, ranging in length from one to twenty-seven pages, and from the how-to-do-it of professional coaching to neuroscience and future-science technology. Curated 2016 is divided into six sections. The first section (Coaching Tools and Strategies) provides the professional coach with immediate assistance, while the second section (The Nurturing of Coaches and Their Clients) deals with the head and especially the heart of coaching (for both the client and coach). Section Three focuses on coaching in an organizational setting and specifically addresses the challenge of leadership and team coaching.

In the fourth section of Curated 2016 (Current Coaching Issues) our authors address several of the tough points of conversation and controversy in the field today, offering a diversity of perspectives on such matters as ethics, supervision and the relationship between coaching and psychotherapy. Section Five (Research on Coaching) opens the door to initiatives in the field of professional coaching that are critical if practices in this field are to be credible and evidence-based. Finally, in Section Six (The Context of Coaching) we step outside the specific parameters of professional coaching and bring in articles that identify ways in which other fields, discoveries and controversies impact the practice and future direction of the coaching field.

We believe that this collection of articles broadens and enriches our perspectives regarding the field and multi-disciplinary foundation of professional coaching. We expect this to be the first of many compilations produced by our alliance. Please let us know how we might prepare even more beneficial publications in the future and suggest other ways in which our publishing alliance can be of continuing value to this field and discipline. We wish to be collaborative stewards of this important and ever evolving human service endeavor.
Enjoy reading the curated collection of articles we’ve chosen for you!


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