Home Curated 2016 Curated 2016: An Alliance

Curated 2016: An Alliance

5 min read

Section Two: The Nurturing of Coaches and Their Clients

Breaking Free: Bringing the Overview Effect to Work and Life
Charlie Smith

The Science of a Meaningful Life
Lauren Klein, Bianca Lorenz, Jason Marsh, Kira Newman, Jill Suttie and Jeremy Smith

Dispelling the Myth of the Balanced Life
Debbie Ford

Disengaging the Autopilot
Charles Smith

How to Recognize When You Are Emotionally Abusing Yourself
Trudy-Ann Ewan

A Friend is the Gift You Give Yourself
Rey Carr

Section Three: Coaching and Leadership

Leadership Change Ending Blindness and Igniting Intention Measuring and Graphic Change
Lory Lanese

Turning Goals into Lasting Life Changes
Stephen Kraus

The Benefits of a Peer Advisory Group to the CEO
Jon Warner

Harvard-Yale Written Goals Study: Fact or Fiction
Mike Morrison

The Good, the Bad and the Non-Billable: The Reality of Coaching Lawyers
Anna Rappaport

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