Expanded Presentations
The book, Thinking Whole, was published in 2023. The authors graciously granted us permission to publish a significant portion of this book in Curated 2023. Related materials (including case studies written by those who have used Thinking Whole in their own organizations) can be found in the book.Here is link where Thinking Whole can be purchased: Breaking Genius – for Teams and… by Krubski, John (amazon.com)
We have divided our offering of Thinking Whole into five documents.
Thinking Whole: The Fundamentals
The stage is set in this initial essay for a new way of thinking about thinking. The authors explore multiple pathways to effective reasoning and planning. A third way of thinking (alongside Daniel Kahneman’s fast thinking and slow thinking) is presented, along with a description of what the authors identify as superconsciousness.
Thinking Whole: Applied Decisional Sciences
It is in this document that we find the authors’ engagement with the work already done by behavioral scientists in describing the ways in which we make decisions. The related work of psychologists, social scientists and neurobiologists helps to build the case for considering a new, integrated model of decision-making (Thinking Whole).
Thinking Whole: Introducing 7-3-1
This document contains not only a summary of 7-3-1 but also a delightful description of the initial formulation of 7-3-1 steps. A candid portrayal is offered regarding how a new process is created during an actual working session.
Thinking Whole: Essentials, Structure and Systems
This short essay provides a summary of the conceptual base of Thinking Whole. One can benefit for an understanding of these foundational principles before using the 7-3-1 steps with a client.
This is where a detailed description of the 7-3-1 steps is offered. One can make immediate use of these steps in their own professional coaching work with individual clients and (better yet) with client teams.
I find Thinking Whole to be one of the most exciting strategies and accompanying set of tools to come along in quite a few years. I have made use of 7-3-1 in my own coaching work and have benefited from the application of Thinking Whole in planning done with my own organization (a graduate school where I have served for many years as president). I expect that you will similarly find Thinking Whole and 7-3-1 to be of great value in your own work as a professional coach and/or leader of your own organization.
William Bergquist, Ph.D.
Curated 2023
1K Club