Home Leading Coaches Center Top Ten Books on Business Coaching

Top Ten Books on Business Coaching

51 second read

One of my clients recently asked me about what top ten books I’d recommend on coaching – for those who are coaches in businesses, organizations, or working with leaders.  Here’s the list!

1.  The Inner Game of Tennis (Tim Gallwey)

2.  Leadership and Self Deception (Arbinger Institute)

3.  The Power of Full Engagement (Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz)

4.  Smarter Faster Better (Karlin Sloan)

5.  Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart (Mary Beth O’Neill)

6.  Coaching for Leadership (Marshall Goldsmith)

7.  Organizational Coaching: Building Relationships and Programs that Drive Results (Virginia Bianco-Mathis, Cynthia Roman, Lisa Nabors)

8.  Coaching in Organizations: Best Coaching Practices (Madeleine Homan, Linda Miller)

9.  Idiots Guide to Coaching for Excellence (Jane Creswell)

10.  On Becoming a Leadership Coach (Christine Wahl, Clarice Scriber, Beth Bloomfield)

11.  Masterful Coaching (Robert Hargrove)

(Yes, I know there are 11 books on my top 10 list.  I like to over-deliver on my promises!)

All of the above books and more can be accessed through my site HERE.

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One Comment

  1. If you’re interested in my Top Twelve list of recommended books on Leadership, you can find that here: https://suzipomerantz.com/top-twelve-books-on-leadership/


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