Home Marketing Trends The Internet Revolution

The Internet Revolution

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The coaching industry has radically changed over the past decade and even in the past year. Ten years ago people were still looking for goods and services in the yellow pages. A print column ad could set you back $50 – $80 a month but was well worth the investment. Today, 96% of the U.S. population are now using the Internet and search engines to find everything from cars, jobs, schools, books and even coaches. The yellow pages are even online. The Internet revolution has caused a paradigm shift in the way we communicate, interact and do business.

Today, there are 2.4 Billion Internet users worldwide and this number is growing daily. There are 1.1 billion smartphone users accessing the Internet right from the palm of their hands. As a business owner, being online is essential to your practice. With 634 million websites competing, the question is not do you need a website, the question is, are you marketing and leveraging your website effectively?

The beauty of having an effective website is that it offers infinite opportunities for your practice 24/7. With 210 billion dollars being spent online each year, you can now make money in your sleep. With the invent of online appointment scheduling, eNewsletters, online payment processing, and robust online resources, your clients have greater expectations than ever. The good news for practice owners is, meeting these expectations increases your bottom line and streamlines your marketing and administration costs. For instance, allowing your clients to schedule themselves online reduces your admin costs and also improves customer retention by 9.4%.

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