Home Marketing Trends The Marketing of Professional Coaching: An Eleven Year Perspective

The Marketing of Professional Coaching: An Eleven Year Perspective

48 min read

The International Coach Federation credentials of MCC (Master Certified Coach) and PCC (Professional Certified Coach) make no distinction between personal and business coaching. The credentials for personal/life coaching should differ from those granted for executive coaching. Not all coaching is about personal transformation, although executive coaching often incorporates personal transformation elements. The difference is that any coach working with executives and leaders must understand how to navigate the business environment, and operate in a boardroom to attain and sustain critical credibility with the client. Coaches lacking critical business skills who seek to work with executives can do a disservice to the executive coaching profession.

We propose that executive coach credentials be comparable with the existing ICF coaching credentials and credentialing processes. Professional Executive Coach (PEC) and Master Executive Coach (MEC) designations would correspond to the existing Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Master Certified Coach (MCC). However, the executive coaching credentials would require specific experience in business as an executive, or working as a coach or consultant with executive clients. Likewise, an executive wishing to become an executive coach must demonstrate defined levels of coach-specific training to qualify for an executive coaching credential. We recommend a grandfathering of current executive coaches with substantial executive coaching experience and a proven track record as a contributor to the field—as was done previously with the ICF credentials.

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