Home Research Coaching Surveys Scaling Executive Coaching Across the Enterprise: The Key to Developing Tomorrow’s Talent

Scaling Executive Coaching Across the Enterprise: The Key to Developing Tomorrow’s Talent

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Executive Summary

The Human Capital Institute (HCI) and Lee Hecht Harrison (LHH) partnered to conduct this research to gain a deeper understanding about the practice of coaching in organizations, and the results of such programs. This report profiles the key business measures affected by organizational coaching, and provides a more comprehensive perspective on how coaching is practiced in business today, including the barriers facing this practice. The result is a clearer perspective on the current coaching environment, including how coaching is different for multinational companies and recommended ways that organizations can better leverage coaching and its ability to help achieve both individual talent development and organizational goals.

In a new era of work exemplified by complicated and disparate processes, trans-cultural people, and an ever-increasing volume of information, organizations and their leaders are facing accelerating challenges to success. Chief among these obstacles is the need to create and implement more effective means of talent development to give employees the skills they need to be most successful and better prepare organizations for the future. Coaching has historically been used to help leaders develop required skills and knowledge, but its importance across an organization continues to expand. As a recent Organizational Development Journal article noted, “Employee development has become a necessary component of an organization’s efforts to improve quality, to retain key employees, to meet the challenges of global competition and social changes, and to incorporate technological advances and changes in work design.” In particular, increasing numbers of global companies can benefit from coaching, which can help improve cross-communication skills and the ability to leverage and manage conflict. As a whole, the opportunities for coaching to positively influence business are vast.

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