Home Research Coaching Surveys The Development of Coaches Survey: I. Do Coaches Change and What Are Their Competencies?

The Development of Coaches Survey: I. Do Coaches Change and What Are Their Competencies?

36 min read

We will provide results from the other 74 questions in future reports, as well as offer more detailed analyses about relationships between responses to the two questions on which we focus in this article and the other questions. We will also explore the potential differences in responses between various demographic groups and correlations between responses to various questions. More advanced statistical analyses (multiple regression and factor) will be offered in subsequent reports, as we seek to provide a more comprehensive and systemic portrait of the respondents’ sense of their own development as coaches.

In this first report we provide only basic descriptive statistics (mean and variance) for each of the items associated with these two questions. The mean scores will give us an initial impression regarding the extent to which respondents rated themselves low or high on each item, while the variance scores will give us an initial impression of the extent to which respondents tend to agree with one another in their rating of each item.

Question One: Since you began formally working as a coach

We begin by providing a summary of the responses to this question about the extent to which coaches feel that they have changed in their work as a person who does “coaching.”

First, we present a table for the first study with mean scores and variance for each item:Screen Shot 2015-08-31 at 10.20.23 AM












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