Second, we present the means and variance scores for the same question as it was posed in the second survey — six years later:
Several approaches can be taken as we attempt to make sense of these two set of means and variances. One approach, with regard to the means, is to take these mean (average) scores at “face-value.” If a respondent indicates that her level of agreement with a specific statement is “Much” or “Very Much”, then we should accept this level of agreement for this respondent and not attempt to manipulate this assessment in any manner. Therefore, as we discuss the results of these first two surveys, we will first consider these mean scores as accurate representations of the respondents’ self-perceptions of their own personal development and work as professional coaches.
We also can make a legitimate claim that the mean scores need to be interpreted in a comparative manner. It is not simply a matter of reporting on the mean scores recorded for this question. There are several ways in which we must be cautious in accepting the mean scores for this question (and many of the other questions in these two surveys). Specifically, several so-called response set factors can legitimately be considered when seeking to make sense of the scores recorded for this question.
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