Home Research Return on Investment Measuring and Communicating ROI in Executive Coaching

Measuring and Communicating ROI in Executive Coaching

4 min read

How will we measure the success of the coaching engagement?

Again, take the time to dig into deeper thoughts and opinions here. Your goal is to get agreement on the key performance indicators (KPIs) and have ways to gather those measurements on a regular basis. You can use SMART goals as a framework to guide the KPI conversation.

  • Specific – This can be each individual goal as stated above, but you may need to break the goals down into smaller chunks to get appropriate measurements.
  • Measurable – Determine exactly what the measurement(s) will be, how they will be conducted, and who will do the measuring.
  • Achievable – You’ll want to address this in the initial goal exploration conversation. Goals that are not achievable should not make it this far in the process.
  • Relevant – Since you’re already using stated goals, the relevancy has been established.
  • Time-bound – How frequently are measurements happening? What’s the date by which this specific goal is to be achieved?

Why are these goals important?

At this point, you’ve already gathered a lot of the purpose behind the goals. Approach this question with a recap of the goals, the measurements, and the “whys” that you already know. Then ask questions to gain a more complete understanding.

Allow the room to fully explore and take ownership of the reasons behind the coaching agreement. This is your opportunity to get full buy-in from everyone. Read the room for anyone who is not completely on board and ask questions to draw out and address their hesitations.

What is your preferred method and frequency of communication?

Establishing a regular rhythm of communication is crucial. You can create amazing goals and expectations up front and have full buy-in from every decision-maker, but if you aren’t communicating the success of the program on a regular basis, they will forget.

You’ve established the measurements. Reporting those measurements regularly will continually remind the decision-makers of the investment they’ve made and what they’re getting for that investment. Use your regular communication to reinforce the “why,” as well as the “what” and “how” of the coaching process.

You already have your own ways and preferred frequency of communication. Present this to the client, explain how you typically communicate, what they can expect in those communications, and what responses you expect from them. Let them buy in to your process or work with them to create an alternate communication process that works for everyone.

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