Searching for Serenity in a VUCA-Plus World
I broaden consideration of each VUCA-Plus element—considering the polarities associated with each element. I also introduce the opposite of VUCA-Plus.
I broaden consideration of each VUCA-Plus element—considering the polarities associated with each element. I also introduce the opposite of VUCA-Plus.
The Ark of Leadership: An Integrative Perspective By William Bergquist, Jeannine Sandstrom and Agnes Mura To download this sample chapter, click the red button below. To purchase the book, click the link on book title above. Chapter 2 On Board the Ark – The Storm We Are Weathering Noah built his Ark in preparation for a great storm. We are …
This exploration of generativity both inside and outside a person is essential when coaching someone regarding the way(s) in which and reasons why they are caring deeply in their life.
There is a big market for cheating in our mid-21st Century world. Frankly, we have all done some cheating in our life. These are what we identify as Soft Cheats—accompanied by Soft Lies. There are of course the Hard Cheats and the Hard Lies. How do we handle soft and hard cheats as coaches?
An online survey was conducted regarding Organizational Changes and the implications of these changes for executive coaching practices. A brief report is made that summaries some of the results from this survey:
A stick can be used as a simple tool. So can a rock. Archimedes may not be the one who came up with the bright idea of using them in tandem, but he did famously extol the power of the resulting synergy, claiming that with a place to stand and a lever, he could move the world. More recently, noted …
Coaching presence is one of the most important coaching competencies, as it underpins all the other competencies.
“It depends on the context.” How often have you heard a coaching client use this phrase? In the standard definition, context is “the situation within which something exists or happens.” It’s the setting or environment that surrounds an event and provides the framework within which the event can be understood. All of us make decisions based on our broader …
Mature leaders demonstrate both gravitas and agility. And this comes through directly as well as subtly through actions, decisions, and how they present themselves.
In this short and practical webinar, Michael Bungay Stanier, Canada’s #1 Coach, shares a practical planning tool that helps drive strategic thinking and doing in a VUCA world. This is a great tool to use with your own business as well as your clients, and his webinar video shows you exactly how. Download the template below by clicking the red …
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