Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires Perspectives from the Waterfront: Assessment and Coaching

Perspectives from the Waterfront: Assessment and Coaching

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This issue helps us look at assessments—it’s a bit too much of a stretch to say we are assessing the use of assessment, so let’s say instead we offer a survey of assessment work in coaching. Articles range from their history of assessments, the degree of statistical support for the claims offered, the domain of interest, and their relevance to coaches, clients and their concerns.

In this issue, we are grateful to have a number of new contributors.

Dr. Kim Davis, educational leader and author of Can We Talk? Conversations about Mental Health and Behaviors in School, shares her perspective on why using assessments can be a wise choice by coaches and her preferred choice of instrument to use.

Kim Davis: Coaching for Success

Dr. Johan Naudé, former master trainer and coaching lead for CCL and current CEO of The Table Mountain Consulting Group, offers his perspective about the use of online, self-report and 360 assessments in leadership coaching.

Johan Naude: Online Assessments in Leadership Coaching

Dr. Gary Low, professor emeritus at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, and Dr. Rick Hammett, contributing faculty at Walden University’s Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership, share the history and rationale of their SCALE assessment, in use for four decades. They also connect this positive assessment instrument to emotional intelligence (EI) as a learning framework and an EI-centric model for professional coaching.

Gary Low: Grounding Professional Coaching Practice

Dr. Alan Graham, President of ACP Consultants and author of Lemonade: The Leader Guide to Resilience at Work, discuses the Youth Resilience Assessment, a strengths-based approach for adolescents and college students. This assessment, with pilot study data shared, is still being researched and already showing promising results for these populations.

Alan Graham: Identifying Resilience Attributes

Dr. Laura Mendelow, Founder and CEO of Mendelow Consulting Group, and her colleagues describe a newly created assessment instrument for leadership, one that includes aspects of polarity thinking and self-determination theory (SDT). If offers a richer and more accurate understanding of underlying personal and interpersonal dynamics.

Laura Mendelow: Dynamic Leadership

You have a lot of food for thought in these excellent articles. Be sure to chew slowly and savor the experience. Enjoy.

Bill Carrier/ Co-Editor

John Lazar/Guest Editor

William Bergquist/Co-Editor

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