Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

18 min read

Dimension 1:  Political Awareness

Sometimes we are able both to involve ourselves in our work (to get into whatever work we are supposed to be doing and enjoy it) and to be political about our work (to analyze the system we are in, to strategize, to attempt to change system conditions).

Sometimes, however, we get stuck on INNOCENCE (doing whatever it is we are supposed to be doing without much political awareness or action); and sometimes we get stuck on POLITICAL (spending much of our time in analyzing, planning, and maneuvering, and little time involving ourselves in the work of the system).


When we are STUCK ON INNOCENCE, we tend to pay little attention to the politics of our work. When given a job to do, we tend to do it with few questions asked.  We tend not to strategize or plan on how to sell others on what it is we want to have happen.  We tend to trust others; we tend not to question their motives; we tend not to be suspicious or skeptical about why people do what they do; we tend not to raise questions for ourselves as to whether we should or should not do whatever we are doing.  Our focus tends to be on the work itself rather than on the politics of work.

On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 7 (very characteristic), to what extent do you feel
that INNOCENCE characterizes your pattern of organizational behavior?
                                    (Choose and note an appropriate number)                      ____


When we are STUCK ON POLITICAL, we tend not to give ourselves to our work as it is nor do we derive our satisfaction from doing that work.  Our energy is focused more on analyzing our current condition—is it fair, reasonable or unreasonable—and on maneuvering and strategizing, and attempting to change conditions.

On the same 7-point scale, to what extent do you feel that POLITICAL characterizes
your pattern of organizational behavior?
                                    (Choose and note an appropriate number)                      ____

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