Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

18 min read

Dimension 3:  Authority Interactions

Sometimes we are able to interact with authority figures—our bosses, experts, etc.
At times we cooperate with them and at times we confront them.  At times we allow ourselves to be influenced by them, and at times we resist such influence.

Sometimes, however, we tend to get stuck on SUBMISSION.  That is, we tend to consistently cooperate with authority figures, support them, submit to them, and rarely confront them or rebel against them.

And sometimes we tend to get stuck on REBELLION.  That is, we tend to consistently resist them and attack them, and rarely cooperate with them or submit to them.


When we are STUCK ON SUBMISSIVE, we tend to consistently support authority figures—our bosses, the establishment, the organization. We are less likely to say “no” to authority figures, to confront them or resist them.  Sometimes even the thought of confronting authority makes us so uncomfortable that we do not do it.  And sometimes it never enters our minds that such confrontation is an option for us.

On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 7 (very characteristic), to what extent do you feel that SUBMISSION characterizes your pattern of organizational behavior?
                                    (Choose and note an appropriate number)                      ____


When we are STUCK ON REBELLION, we tend to consistently resist, resent, and reject authority figures.  We do not cooperate with them or allow ourselves to be influenced by them.  Sometimes submission to authority makes us uncomfortable, and sometimes we simply do not see submission or cooperation as options for us.  Whatever the case, our tendency is to resist authority.

On the same 7-point scale, to what extent do you feel that REBELLION characterizes
your pattern of organizational behavior?
                                    (Choose and note an appropriate number)                      ____

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