Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

18 min read

Dimension 4:  Peer Interactions

Sometimes we feel that we can both cooperate as members of groups—work units, teams, friendship groups, couples, etc.— and function as independent individuals, that is, sometimes we can go along with the group and sometimes we can act independently of it.

Sometimes, however, we get stuck on INDIVIDUALITY (consistently going it alone, rarely joining up with others, involving others, or allowing others to include us); and sometimes we get stuck on INCLUSIVENESS (consistently going along with the group, and rarely taking independent action).


When we are STUCK ON INCLUSIVENESS, we are reluctant to take individual action.  We are consciously or unconsciously dependent on the support of others, and without that support we will not act on our own.  We tend to reject options when such options might alienate us from others whose support we feel we need.

On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 7 (very characteristic), to what extent do you feel that INCLUSIVENESS characterizes your pattern of organizational behavior?
                                    (Choose and note an appropriate number)                      ____


When we are STUCK ON INDIVIDUALITY, we are reluctant to opening ourselves to others, to seeking their help, to asking their support, to including them in our thinking, planning and action.  We tend to persist in working things out for ourselves even when we need or could use the help and support of others.

On the same 7-point scale, to what extent do you feel that INDIVIDUALITY  characterizes your pattern of organizational behavior?
                                    (Choose and note an appropriate number)                      ____


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