Home Tools and Applications Training The Revised Balint Method: A Powerful Tool for Reflecting on Professional Coaching Practices

The Revised Balint Method: A Powerful Tool for Reflecting on Professional Coaching Practices

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Step Seven: When the Advocacy Session comes to an end (stopped by the facilitator at the end of the designated period), the protagonist is asked by the facilitator to reflect on the contents and processes of the Advocacy Group. Typically, the facilitator asks the protagonist one or more of the following three questions: (1) which aspects of the content and process of this session seem to accurately reflect your own thoughts and feelings? (2) which aspects of the content and process of this session seem NOT to accurately reflect your own thoughts and feelings (where was there misalignment)? and (3) which elements of the session did you find most intriguing, surprising, insightful, bewildering, disturbing? Other participants in the Balint Group may offer their own thoughts and feelings regarding the Advocacy Session (especially if they represented one of the perspectives). However, the focus remains on the protagonist and the insights gained by the protagonist regarding the Advocacy Session.

Step Eight: The facilitator then asks the protagonist to trace out the implications of what was experienced during the Advocacy Session and the subsequent conversation with the facilitator. Tentatively, what are the next steps to be taken in addressing the problem/making the decision?

Step Nine: Other members of the Balint Group (whether or not they participated in the Advocacy Group) reflect on their own insights regarding the Advocacy Session and subsequent reflections by the protagonist.

Step Ten: The Balint Group concludes with the protagonist providing a summary statement regarding what he/she will take away from the Balint Group. The facilitator might also provide his/her own insights regarding what emerged from the Balilnt Group session, typically expanding on the protagonist’s statement to make it even more broadly applicable to participants in the Group. The sesson is brought to a close by the Facilitator, the protagonist being thanked for the contribution made in presenting and working with his/her challenging problem/decision.

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