Home Research Coaching Surveys Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2012/Preliminary Report

Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey: 2012/Preliminary Report

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7TH Annual Executive Coaching Survey


© Sherpa Coaching, LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio USA 1

Thanks to early waves of participation, we can fairly and effectively represent the universe of coaching in this preliminary report. Based on responses from six continents, we offer you this executive preview. We will release our research in its entirety, at no charge, in January, 2012.

Additional responses are still critical, so we can drill down to countries, regions, even cities. Data collection continues until December 15th, 2011. Go to qsurvey.net/coach to take part. Please invite one or more of your friends.

A complete copy of the preliminary report can be downloaded below.

A copy of the final report is also available in this library. To access this report click on the following link: https://libraryofprofessionalcoaching.com/research/coaching-surveys/sherpa-coaching-survey-2012-executive-coaching-here-to-stay/

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