Home Tools and Applications Surveys & Questionnaires Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

Take a Look at Yourself: The Self in System Sensitizer

18 min read

Dimension 8:  Managing Energy

Sometimes we are in situations which need to be stirred up.  We and others may be uninvolved, listless and apathetic. We may not be using the skills and abilities we have. We may be in a rut, going along with our usual ways of doing things even when these ways are no longer effective.  The pot needs to be stirred in order to get us thinking, feeling, and acting more effectively.

And sometimes we are in situations which need to be cooled off.  The situation may be explosive, chaotic.  Feelings may be so high that people are unable to listen to one another and to work together. And the situation needs to be cooled down in order that people can think more clearly, communicate more effectively, and work together.

Sometimes we are able to move back and forth between stirring things up and calming them down.  Sometimes, however, we get stuck on CALMING DOWN (we tend not to act in ways which would increase tension in the system).  And sometimes we get stuck on STIRRING UP (we tend to be reluctant to act in ways which would reduce tension in the system).


When we are STUCK ON CALMING DOWN, we tend to be reluctant to act in ways which would increase tension in the system.  We tend to avoid conflicts, to keep them from developing and to suppress them when they do develop.  We tend to avoid actions which might create trouble for ourselves and others.  In the face of conflict or potential conflict, our tendency is to compromise, mediate, heal and repair.  Sometimes we are stuck on CALMING DOWN because we believe that tension is bad for the system; and sometimes we are stuck because we feel uncomfortable in high tension situations.

On a scale of 1 (not at all) to 7 (very characteristic), to what extent do you feel that CALMING DOWN characterizes your pattern of organizational behavior?
                                    (Choose and note an appropriate number)                      ____


When we are STUCK ON STIRRING UP, we tend to be reluctant to act in ways which would reduce tension in the system.  We tend to avoid healing activities or activities that would repair relationships; we tend to avoid compromises or mediation processes. Sometimes we are stuck on STIRRING UP because we believe that high energy is good for the system; and sometimes we are stuck because we are uncomfortable with activities involving healing, repairing, compromising, and mediating.

On the same 7-point scale, to what extent do you feel that STIRRING UP characterizes your pattern of organizational behavior?
                                    (Choose and note an appropriate number)                      ____

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