Gary Quehl and William Bergquist
Over the years my key learning as a leader is this: we aren’t put on this planet to be alone. Senior Sage Leader
What about the senior sage leaders? With more years and a greater diversity of experience, do they see even greater change in their leadership patterns and styles than the emerging sage leaders?
Changes in Pattern
Unlike emerging sages, some senior sage leaders report they have not experienced significant changes in their leadership style over the years. They say their leadership behaviors are essentially the same as in earlier years.
Download Article 1K ClubI think I have remained the same person I have always been, but I have become more comfortable with who I am and more confident in myself. At this point in life I know what my skills and weaknesses are, and because of this I am more confident of what I can accomplish. I also have learned to set aside more time for my wife and family.
The thing that matters is what experience does for you. There is hardly any experience that I could get into at this point in time that I haven’t had before ― although my stomach churning is probably a lot less than it was when I first went through it.