The analyses offered in Awakening Spring in Autumn span the many decades of senior adulthood.
Eliza Yong, Psy.D. (Clinical Psychology), is a Certified Substance Abuse Counsellor (CSAC) and Certified Gambling Addiction Counsellor (CGAC) by The Association of Professionals Specialising in Addictions Counselling (APSAC) and has been counselling individuals and their families since 2009. She also works with individuals and their families with domestic violence to break the violence cycle. Eliza provides regular public talks increase understanding and coping with different addictions and emotions management as well as presents original research posters or speaks on addictions at local and international conferences. Eliza had spent 2 months attached to The Connection Inc.’s women’s programmes in residential houses, outpatient counselling centres and homeless program (Connecticut, USA) in 2013 under Singapore’s National Health Group’s Health Manpower Development Programme Award (NHG HMDP). She holds her Doctor of Psychology with a specialization in clinical practice.
The analyses offered in Awakening Spring in Autumn span the many decades of senior adulthood.
Jim: Mike - Hope y'all are well and a healthy new Year. I was on one of my board call...