Home Concepts Adult Development Awakening Spring in Autumn: Free Book for Coaching Library Users

Awakening Spring in Autumn: Free Book for Coaching Library Users

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In this book, three psychologists (from different cultures) bring together an analysis of the Autumnal years based on different perspectives from the deep, introspective work (at many levels) in which all three are involved. They weave together mythic tales, classic poems and legendary stories from Western and Asian cultures to further illuminate and expand their exploration. Through this book, the authors seek to affirm the appropriateness of hopes and fears felt by those currently living in Autumn, as well as inspire those who are about to enter Autumn, and honor those who have been generative during these Autumnal years (and can now reflect back on these years with new insights). This is a book for everyone, be it a reader who is in autumn, summer, or winter. Be it for personal reading or for professional understanding, this book will be one to have in your hands.

With the graying of populations throughout the world, a book that provides intergeneration and cross-cultural perspectives on these years of Autumn would be welcomed—especially if these perspectives are being offered by both women and men. We are pleased to be able to offer this book with rich narratives and multiple insights, building on three historic narratives from three of the most influential regions on our world: Europe, Southeast Asia and India. Our book not only identified the challenges associated with the senior years of life, it also offers opportunities, actions to be taken and life-enriching changes to be made—hence the title “Awakening Spring in Autumn.” As the authors of this book, we come with a diversity not only of perspectives, but also of professional experiences. Our work ranges from that of personal psychotherapy to international corporate consulting and coaching. We also enter this writing enterprise with rich, inter-disciplinary expertise in such areas as literature, philosophy, and the arts. This expertise is evident in the many images we present and narratives we explore.

The analyses offered in Awakening Spring in Autumn span the many decades of senior adulthood. This is an important feature of our book, given that we now know that there are multiple stages of life even after 45. This has become increasingly apparent as men and women live longer lives. Instead of focusing on a specific decade of life or perpetuating the myths of a “mid-life crisis” and existential preparation for death after the mid-century, we focus on the diversity of life experiences during middle adulthood (45 to 65 years old)–biological, psychological and interpersonal. We know that everyone matures in their own unique way; yet all men and women around the world confront many of the same opportunities and challenges.

AND THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE TO YOU–as someone who has come to the Library of Professional Coaching. This is an added benefit of which you might wish to avail yourself. You can do so by clicking on the “Download” button located immediately below this commentary. We wish you insightful and useful reading . . .

Note: We are fully aware that many of us as readers prefer a bound, printed book over a digital version. Many of our readers who have downloaded this book might wish to scribble notes in the margins or even underline specific passages. If nothing else, we want to sit in our favorite chair and simply pick up a book, open it and begin to read. We would rather not sit at our computer screen or spend time and money printing hundreds of pages. If you are like us, then you can follow this link to purchase the printed and bound version of the book and have it mailed to your home or office. Here is the link for purchase of this book: Awakening Spring in Autumn



Eliza YONG (Singapore)

Eliza Yong, Psy.D. (Clinical Psychology), is a Certified Substance Abuse Counsellor (CSAC) and Certified Gambling Addiction Counsellor (CGAC) by The Association of Professionals Specialising in Addictions Counselling (APSAC) and has been counselling individuals and their families since 2009. She also works with individuals and their families with domestic violence to break the violence cycle. Eliza provides regular public talks increase understanding and coping with different addictions and emotions management as well as presents original research posters or speaks on addictions at local and international conferences. Eliza had spent 2 months attached to The Connection Inc.’s women’s programmes in residential houses, outpatient counselling centres and homeless program (Connecticut, USA) in 2013 under Singapore’s National Health Group’s Health Manpower Development Programme Award (NHG HMDP).  She holds her Doctor of Psychology with a specialization in clinical practice.

Jayan WARRIER (India)

Jayan Warrier Psy.D. (Organizational Psychology), works with teams and individuals in organizations in the role of a coach, facilitator, and consultant in the space of leadership, performance, culture, and change. He coaches executives across the Asia Pacific region as they transition into new roles, manage change in their organization or move to a different country/culture. He uses various assessments to uncover personality, team dynamics and culture, in his change interventions – Myers Briggs, FIRO-B, Gallup Strengths, Hogan etc. He uses Appreciative Inquiry processes to engage large groups in identifying their strengths, creating a team vision and aligning actions with their goals.  He works with high performance teams in Action Learning business projects, as a way to develop their talent and leadership. Personally, he is interested in the study of highest potential for an individual and its links to well-being. He has explored science and philosophies in his own quest towards a more balanced life. Currently he spends his time in India and Singapore.


Bill BergquistWilliam BERGQUIST (USA)

William Bergquist, Ph.D. (Psychology) is an internationally known coach, consultant, trainer and educator. He is also a widely published author, researcher, and scholar. As an author of more than 50 books and 150 articles, Bill writes about profound personal, group, organizational and societal transitions and transformations. His book, The Postmodern Organization, has been identified as one of the 50 classics in organizational theory and has been translated into both Italian and Mandarin. In Our Fifties was featured on Good Morning America and in several metropolitan newspapers.  The Professional School of Psychology (PSP), where William Bergquist serves as president, has for more than 40 years provided a unique model of education and training to accomplished professionals in countries throughout the world.  Bill has served as consultant, coach and/or trainer to leaders in more than 1,000 organizations over the past 50 years and has co-founded the Library of Professional Coaching and founded the Library of Professional Psychology.


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