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Wake Up! Your Life is Calling! – A Sample Chapter

25 min read

Today Is Your Wake Up Call!

Are you going to spend more time wishing your life was different in some way or hoping to make changes one day—after the kids get older, or once things at work settle down, or next month, or next year, or some day?

Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you. That day, some day, is never going to come. If you keep falling back on the attitude that you can accomplish what you really want someday, you’re going to wake up five years from now and look back and wish you started five years earlier (and aren’t you already doing that?) I say, look past those excuses. You have a chance to rewrite your future . . . now!

You don’t need a tragedy in your life to wake up to the possibility that exists for your life. Did I see my wakeup call coming? Absolutely not! Was I living my life like I had endless tomorrows? Yes, I was! I got lucky. But I also got in action and I made that small decision to have breakfast with my family, which ultimately saved my life.

What is it time for you to put out into the world? What are you being a little hesitant about declaring because it would make it too real or it might actually put you on the hook for it? Look around. Really look. What are the signs you have been missing? What is it time for you to see?

Life is a gift and every single day counts. We think and we act like we have endless tomorrows, but we don’t. We can’t afford to waste our time or energy looking back and asking, “Why?” Instead, we need to look forward and say, “What now? Where do I want to go? What shall I do with this gift I’ve been given?”

September 10th was my wakeup call—a day that looked like any other day. Today is yours. What are you going to do with it?

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