Home Concepts Adult Development The Social and Cultural Characteristics of Generational Age Groups

The Social and Cultural Characteristics of Generational Age Groups

18 min read

16  Ken Culp, III, Recruiting and Engaging Baby Boomer Volunteers, Journal of Extension, 2009.

17  Fran Olsen, The Four Generations of Employees, RVDA, 2011.

18  Robert Bremmer, Selling to the Generations—Part 1: Age Groups and Attitudes, 2001.

19  Sally Kane, Generation X, About.com Guide, (Undated).

20  Laurie Rushing, Tradition, Boomers, X and Y— How Are We Wired?, 2009.

21  Frank Magid Associates, The Politics of the Millennial Generation: A New Survey Comparing Political Attitudes Between Generations, 2006.

22  Pat Thornton, The Silent Generation (aka Veterans)—Most Misunderstood and Underestimated, 2009.

23  The Generation X Report, Value Options, University of Michigan, 2011.

24  Clark Howard, Generation X Faces Huge Lifestyle Debt, Statesman.com., 2007.

25  Marc Terrell, X Marks the Spot for Nonprofits to Tap New Generation of Donors, Business Journal, 2007.

26  Albert Winseman, Hope and Faith Among the Slacker Generation, Gallup, 2003.

27  Fran Olsen, The Four Generations of Employees., 2008.

28  Robert Brenner, Selling to the Generations. Part 1: Age Groups and Attitudes, 2001.

29  Generation Y, Wikipedia, 2009.

30  Robert Brenner, Selling to the Generations. Part 1: Age Groups and Attitudes, 2001.

31  Rena Klein, Millennials Working, The American Institute of Architects, 2008.

32  Frank Magid Associates, The Politics of the Millennial Generation: A New Survey Comparing Political Attitudes Between Generations, 2006.

33  Andrea Stone, Civic Generation Rolls Up Sleeves in Record Numbers, USA Today, 2009.

34 2009 Civic Health Index: Civic Health in Hard Times, National Conference on Citizenship, 2009.


We encourage you to review the other essays contained in this issue of The Future of Coaching. Following are the links to each of these essays:

Searching for Vitality: Coaching through the Lenses of Adult Development Theory and Research

A Developmental Perspective in Coaching

Coaching the Young Client

Gen Y Leaders, Boomer Coach

Senior Leadership in Community: Interview with Norman Westmore

Life Shields: A Coaching Tool

The Book Shelf: George Vaillant, Triumphs of Experience

Coaching Across the Generations: Questions to Ponder Based on Research/Theory


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