Home Concepts Best Practices How Multidimensional Is Your Coaching?

How Multidimensional Is Your Coaching?

4 min read

We even travel through these structures of consciousness daily:

Archaic—deep sleep


Mythical—between dreaming and being awake, when dreams can be remembered


Integral—ability to access all structures

The Wisdom of the Whole® coaching model embraces mental, mythical, intuitive and spiritual aspects of coaching. It uses Gebser’s theory to create evidence-informed coaching practices and simple yet effective coaching tools that access all parts of self.

Februrary 2016 chart












The table above shows examples of some coaching tools that match the ways of knowing, being, thinking and doing of each structure of consciousness. An integral approach is created when a coach can access and work from all structures of consciousness. Which skills do you use in your coaching practice? To assess your strengths, place a check mark beside each of your skills in the quadrants above.

How multidimensional is your coaching? Notice which quadrant has the most check marks beside it; chances are you will attract more clients who are comfortable working from that quadrant. As you expand your coaching skill set in more quadrants, you can then attract more clients. Which quadrant(s) would you like to develop?

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