Home Concepts Best Practices To Coach Is to Sell

To Coach Is to Sell

4 min read

Coaching as selling

If you cannot picture yourself as a salesperson, consider a change of perspective.

That simply means that instead of selling your services to your clients, you are selling them solutions.

Consider for a while your own problems. Say, for example, if the holidays have left you overweight, you are not simply looking for weight loss products. Instead, you are looking for a long-term solution to solve your weight issues.

The same thing applies to your clients. They are not looking to purchase your services. What they are looking for are solutions to the problems they are facing.

But before you can do that, you have to focus on your clients and ask the right questions, like what their problems are and what you can do to solve these with them.

Once you arrive at potential solutions for these problems, you can now focus on selling these solutions to your clients. Quite simply, having solutions at hand will enable you to have a compelling offer that will move your clients and lead them to positive transformation.

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