Once emerging awareness has been explored, it’s often appropriate to ask a question around designing actions, such as, “What would you like to do with that new awareness?” Coaches often miss the opportunity to see if the client wants to create an action—even if the action is simply to take more time to reflect on what has emerged. When you are fully present, you will sense whether it’s the right time to ask the client if she’s ready to move forward, or if she wants to stay with the emerging awareness. Partner with the client and ask her how she wants to move forward.
The ultimate purpose of coaching is to support our clients as they gain awareness of how to move forward toward their desired outcomes. We serve our clients best when we engage in our own self-discovery work to uncover our own biases in how we listen. We owe it to our clients to be fully present to hearing their unique voice and tapping their greatness. When we listen with our whole selves and with clients as our full focus, we are more likely to call forth a powerful question that leads to emerging awareness. When indicated, be quiet, stay present and allow your clients to wrestle with that awareness and decide what actions to take. This is the joyful dance of coach and client partnering together for the client’s increased success.
This article was originally published in Coaching World and posted on the International Coach Federation Blog.
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