Let Thinking Whole Begin!
Exercise One: What Success Looks Like
The Guide: (speaking to the assembly) The first thing we should do is this – Take a moment. Close your eyes. Let’s travel twelve months into the future. We are sitting together again twelve months from now. In that time, we have achieved everything that we intended to achieve in this meeting, here, today. Write only three answers on the form that follows.
The assembly needs to discuss and agree on THE THREE outcomes that prove we did our job exceptionally well today. (If there are many participants, you might do a table exercise first.) This is what success looks like 12 months from now:
(Write on flipchart, complete, and post on the wall).
Exercise Two: Thinking Whole/Collective Native Intelligence
The Guide: What we’re doing here is something called Thinking Whole. (Write “Thinking Whole” on flipchart) Thinking Whole is about getting groups like this one not only to a solution but also to the best possible thinking… even moments of real genius.
To make that happen, we’re going to need to tap into something called the Collective Native Intelligence, of the team. Collective native intelligence is all the d The Guide: What we’re doing here is something called Thinking Whole. (Write “Thinking Whole” on flipchart)
Thinking Whole is about getting groups like this one not only to a solution but also to the best possible thinking… even moments of real genius. To make that happen, we’re going to need to tap into something called the Collective Native Intelligence, of the team.
Collective native intelligence is all the different intelligences each one of us has; not just by job title but also by all the different things we do, we know, we have experienced. (Write Collective Native Intelligence on the same flipchart and post on the wall where it will be visible throughout the session.)
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