Setting up the mindset
There are only three things to remember throughout the exercise.
The Form:
The Mantra: “Trust the Form.”
The Discipline: “Think Out Loud. Hear yourself. Hear everyone.”
The person at the front of the room The pivotal, but not necessarily the most important, responsibility is that of the person at the front of the room. Instead of “moderator” or “facilitator,” we prefer the title of “guide.” The Oxford Dictionary defines “guide” as “a person who advises or shows the way to others.”
The role of the guide in Thinking Whole is threefold:
- Keep the team on the path of Thinking Whole and advancing towards the goal of Thinking Whole in pursuit of The Comprehensive Solution to their specific problem or issue.
- In the real world where titles all too often substitute for wisdom, serve as the defender of ideas by ensuring each gets its opportunity for articulation and collegiality. Do not take sides with people.
- Ask Questions. Get Clarifications. Accept only fully articulated responses for inclusion in The Form. Before you make your first outing in the role of Guide to Thinking Whole, you might want to review Chapter Two of Part Three of this book: Thinking Whole in the working world.
We suggest you pay particular attention to the part about Mitzi Perdue and the family business as it provides an excellent example of the function and the attitude needed to guide a Thinking Whole Session. If you’re ready, let’s walk through the process.
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