Home Concepts Employee Engagement & Motivation Possibility Deficit Disorder

Possibility Deficit Disorder

9 min read

Symptom Checker

Adult PDD Symptoms:

Personal or group identity is the basis of all decisions and behavior
Need to be right
Feel like a victim
Feel spiteful
Excessive compliance
Unable to flow with other people or situations
Unable to inspire others to what they are capable of
Unable to listen or pay attention to anything inconsistent with what is already known
Placing the cause of things outside oneself
Require certainty
Weak relationships
Conflicts do not resolve

Corporate PDD Symptoms:

Senior management knows best
Senior people and bottom people communicate mostly through middle management
Conviction that we already know
Reality is physical
Arbitrary exercise of power
Shallow relationships
Lack of inquiry
Pattern of proceeding to solutions before agreeing on problems
Lack of innovation
Innovations do not sustain
Language disguises underlying realities
Absence of listening
Absence of free speech in practice

National PDD Symptoms:

Certainty that “we” are better than other countries
Certainty that “we” are worse than other countries
Certainty that “our” traditions are the basis of our success
Conviction that the nation is on the wrong track
Certainty that our system of governance is better than others
Excessive Debt
Wealthy interest groups control politicians
Language disguises true realities
Public distracted by fear mongering
Public distracted by sports and media intensity
Promotion of values-based, inflammatory issues
Systems designed to keep the people in power in power
Absence of free speech in practice


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