Home Concepts Employee Engagement & Motivation Possibility Deficit Disorder

Possibility Deficit Disorder

9 min read

Identity and possibility have an inverse relationship — the stronger the one, the weaker the other. Fear of loss of identity kills new possibility. People will give up success, relationship, sometimes life itself for the preservation of identity. Consider suicide bombers, killing themselves for who they consider themselves to be. On a planetary level, identity is the greatest threat to the survival of humanity as a whole. It is the basis of PDD at local and global levels. Most people and nations appear to be stuck with it.

There is a vast array of symptoms of PDD. While we can classify common symptoms, it is often difficult to tell the difference between a symptom and a cause. For example, PDD is related to weak relationships, lack of shared commitment, absence of respect, little environmental challenge, ineffective leadership, inability to resolve conflict, and low commitment to action. The difficulty in treating any of these to improve PDD is that there are usually so many other causes in the background that the treatment is short-lived or without effect.

This further indicates that PDD emerges from the complex culture or identity of the individual, corporation, or nation. This implies that the introduction of “Possibility” as a phenomenon in a culture or within an identity is the only way to deal reliably with PDD, and further, that treatment of symptoms, while sometimes necessary, is fruitless over the long term. Since entities have survived successfully within the identity or culture they already have, they are unwilling, except in crisis, to change it. And normally, after a crisis, they revert to their prior expressions of PDD.

Therein, lies the challenge.

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