Home Concepts Ethics Coaching for the Greater Good: Interview with Bill Carrier and Alex Petroff

Coaching for the Greater Good: Interview with Bill Carrier and Alex Petroff

18 min read

Taking what I learned from Bill I developed a strategy to take him from the edge.  I forced wages on him to start with, and explained to him what Bill explained to me, we started having real heart to hearts, and seeing how we could lighten his burden.  Most importantly I let him know very clearly that he was the most important person to me, and my number one concern was his well being.  I think the effect has been very productive, instead of getting worse he seems to have been getting much better.  I never received a phone call from him while I was away from Congo in 5 years, and in the month and a half since we last saw each other I have receive four.  So you should know that my coaching has extended beyond me.

In summary, I belief coaching has positively impacted my work in terms of fundraising and time management; however, I know for certain that it has made me a stronger individual and enriched my life, and I am very grateful that the program was made available to me.

Hop Hop Hazah,

Alex Petroff



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