Shoes in the Lobby

5 min read

We feel that adopting the ‘take care’ principles at Space2think has made us a stronger community because by making the effort and taking the time to consider what we do to live by the principles, we have gained a deeper awareness of ourselves and the impact of our actions. In our work helping individuals and organisations to understand themselves better we encourage and support people to slow down, question themselves and make plans. Our aspiration is that we can be a catalyst for transformation, and that the outcome of our work is the creation of working communities in which acting to take care of ourselves, others and business is as intuitive as removing wet shoes after heavy rainfall was for the children of the junior high.


1. Story of a junior high school. The Promise and Paradox of Community in The Community of the Future (Jossey-Bass, 1998) Margaret J. Wheatley & Myron Kellner-Rogers

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