But if I am not the character in the story, what and where am I? As long as I identify with my mind, I consider myself to be an object, because I see myself as an entity with a location. Scientists and philosophers have long searched for the location of “me” and never found it. They never found it because it isn’t there to be found, though it is there to be lived. I am not only an object; I am a space. I am not only in the world; the world is in me. I am both the character in the story and the field in which the story unfolds. I believe that only when we humans, in sufficient numbers, have broken free of our identification with the mind will peace be possible. Only then will we no longer need to build bridges, because the perception of the gulf separating us from each other will be revealed to have been an illusion – one more in a long line of illusions ultimately exposed by humanity. In the meantime, however, let us build bridges where necessary, but let us not lose sight of the truth:
From this side of the river we seek a bridge to the other side. From the other side there is no river,
There never was
And there’s no one trying to get across.
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