“Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” ~ Michael Jordan
This brief article is excerpted from a weekly ezine (“Monday Morning Muse”) offered by The Coaching Corporation (www.TheCoachingCorp.com). Each Muse has been prepared under the guidance of Inga Estes, president of The Coaching Corporation.
Sometimes it’s just so tempting to give up. We tell ourselves that we were wrong to want what we wanted, it’s too hard to accomplish, and that we have neither the will or the wherewithal to see things through. While it may be automatic to have those thoughts, it’s so powerful to think of the obstacle we just hit as ‘crucial information’ that gets us that much closer to the success we’re really after. What are we learning, who are we becoming?
In our crazy economic times, when more obstacles than usual litter the road, keep looking for the way around, the way through, or a way to climb over them. Not only do obstacles not have to stop us, they can actually make us smarter, stronger, leaner and move us that much closer to success.
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