Home Concepts Strategy Coaching with Groups and Teams Section Two: Leadership Styles and Journey of Groups to Teams

Section Two: Leadership Styles and Journey of Groups to Teams

4 min read

The Leadership Spectrum: Expansion and Implications

Two essays begin to trace out the implications inherent in the application of The Leadership Spectrum in seeking to understand how people relate to one another. The first of these essays begins by expanding our perspective from just leadership to the differing motivations and resulting behavior of all people–The Human Spectrum is described. This model of human motivation is then engaged in providing insights regarding the way in which interpersonal needs are being met in groups and teams. With the Leadership Spectrum and Human Spectrum models in place, an analysis is offered regarding how specific forms of leadership and human behavior can cause harm (as well as yield benefits) to a group or team.

Interpersonal Needs and The Human Spectrum

This essay concerns the personal dimension of life in a group or team—and particularly the interpersonal needs of those who participate in this group or team. The specific premise underlying the concepts presented in this essay is that a group is more likely to become a functioning, productive, collaborating team if the interpersonal needs of all members have been acknowledged and are being met. This specific description of interpersonal needs comes directly from the remarkable work done by Will Schutz (Schutz, 1966; Schutz, 1994).

Harmlessness and the Leadership Spectrum

Do we lead a life when no harm is being down to other people—or do we harm other people through the actions we have taken (or not taken).  Can we ever lead a harmless life or is our world designed in such a way that harm is inevitable? Is this especially the case when we are in a leadership position? With the best of intentions, are we inevitably going to leave someone feeling wounded, ignored, misunderstood, betrayed – or at least disappointed? This essay is all about these important (and often haunting) questions and about the way harm and harmlessness play out in the decisions and actions taken by leaders who embrace differing styles of leadership.

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