All successful entrepreneurs have in common a brilliant mind, the fact that they never give up, and the ability to efficiently manage their time. Indeed, the key to success when running a business – in addition to motivation – is time management, so that you do not feel overworked or stressed and you have a better quality of life. Just have a look at Virgin CEO Richard Branson who is able to divide his time among surfing, hiking… and running a successful multinational company thanks to his time management skills.
Here are 6 tips to efficiently manage your time.
1. Making a to-do list
As an entrepreneur, you are very busy and have so many things to take care of or think of that sometimes you can forget some of them. In order to avoid such unfortunate events, the first step you should tackle when starting your day is as simple as writing down what has to be done. You should include everything in your to-do list – from the most urgent tasks to the least significant ones. Once you have done the list, you are then ready to the next step, which is organising your time.
2. Scheduling your day
Scheduling your day is a critical step in your day. For this step, you will need to decide which tasks are the most important and in which order you are going to work on them. Unlike the to-do list which gives you a rough overview of what your day is going to be like, the schedule gives you a complete picture of your day. The idea here is also to develop a routine that helps you to save time and to avoid these indecisive moments when you do not know which task you should work on next. Finally, the best way to keep track of what have been done so far is to constantly refer yourself to your schedule throughout the day.
“He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the maze of the most busy life. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidence, chaos will soon reign.” – Victor Hugo
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