Coach as Human
Sometimes I think of my role as coach as being a bit like a backboard to a tennis player. He hits the ball to me and I return the ball, reflecting the speed, energy, trajectory. I help him play out his own thinking until he ultimately accesses his own best answer. And I intuitively know that playing the wall gets boring and exhausting and eventually, we all want to play with a human.
Turns out, I’m human. I have feelings. I’m imperfect. Just like my clients. And I believe that by acknowledging my feelings, my humanity, my imperfections, when appropriate, with my clients that I’ll be a better coach. That my being present and open and vulnerable, will allow my clients to do the same. When I connect with myself in a deep and meaningful way, I will invite my clients to connect with themselves. I’ve come to believe that is only by connecting with ourselves, with our inner knowing, that we are able to get ourselves unstuck.
Next time, I’ll make a different choice. I will risk more. I will be more vulnerable. I will say what is so for me and invite my client to do the same. Human to human. Namaste.
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William Bergquist
September 5, 2013 at 10:39 am
Alison offers a very candid statement regarding the coaching process. I appreciate her honesty and hope we have more of these reflective essays in the library