Home Concepts Trust How to Stop Lying to Yourself About Who You Really Are

How to Stop Lying to Yourself About Who You Really Are

5 min read

It’s so easy to lie about who I really am, and I’m not alone.

Someday I’d like to make a meaningful difference with my life, but I have a lot of work to do on myself before that can ever happen ~ I’m not ready yet.

No, don’t argue with me.  All you have to do is look at the evidence.

So instead of charging out on the field, we sit on the sidelines wrapped up in low self-esteem, doubts, fears, false humility, and stories to prove how true it all is.  But it’s all lies.

The Buddhist approach makes more sense.  It’s called the wisdom of discernment, which is seeing things as they are.  Carolyn Myss said it well:

Discernment is the capacity to identify the difference between what is truth and what is illusion, or a lie, or just the result of chaotic thinking.

Buying into these lies is the biggest obstacle to living the life you’re here to live. Psychologist and meditation teacher Tara Brach calls it the “trance of unworthiness” — a state in which you walk around in a fog that clouds your connection to who you are and what you can accomplish.   After 35 years of coaching folks of all shapes and sizes, this I know for sure:

Every single belief, perception, thought, assumption or paradigm that does not point in the direction of the results you want is a limiting belief!

I’ve heard them all, and there’s not one that was the truth about the extraordinary being in front of me.  Now that includes you.

Why should we stop telling these lies?

Because the cost is too high.  All we need do is look at what’s happening in our world, our country, our organizations, and our relationships with one another.

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