TOPIC: “How I built the world’s first 7-figure Online Business School specifically for start-ups and local small business owners”
Former business coach turned mega-successful online marketing professional Karl Bryan now teaches coaches how to create their own Online Business School specifically designed for start-ups and established small businesses.
Karl developed a system that enables coaches to:
– build a significant passive recurring monthly income
– easily generate leads for those coaches choosing to coach 1-2-1 or groups
– create a lucrative asset that can be sold for a multiple 6- or even 7-figure sum and finally…
– enable coaches to STOP having to trade their time for money.
Who wouldn’t want some of that?! Listen to the call with Karl and learn a whole new way of thinking about your coaching business! the MP3 is attached so you can click the red Download article button below the post to retrieve it!
Karl Bryan gave us a step by step walk-through of how to attract small business owners online and the lead generation tools he’s created.
Generating Leads and Passive Income from Online Coaching
Thirty business coaches registered for the Leading Coaches Center Mastermind call with Karl Bryan on generating leads and passive income from online coaching systems. Karl’s energetic generosity motivated a lot of the participants to take advantage of his special offer to waive all the start up costs for signing up for his white label system that he spent over a million dollars building that can be your branded online coaching system. Below you can listen to the recording, or download it for later listening in your favorite mp3 player, and if you scroll further down below the info about Karl, you will see notes taken during the call.
TOPIC: “How I built the world’s first 7-figure Online Business School specifically for start-ups and local small business owners”
Former business coach turned mega-successful online marketing professional now teaches coaches how to create their own Online Business School specifically designed for start-ups and established small businesses. Karl developed a system that enables coaches to:
– build a significant passive recurring monthly income
– easily generate leads for those coaches choosing to coach 1-2-1 or groups
– create a lucrative asset that can be sold for a multiple 6- or even 7-figure sum and finally…
– enable coaches to STOP having to trade their time for money.
Karl taught us a whole new way of thinking about your coaching business! GET YOUR PERSONAL TOUR HERE!
Listen here or download mp3 below.
Karl Bryan teaches the real secrets to generating high end coaching leads, how to profit by offering coaching clients Virtual Coaching Services… and how coaches can finally stop trading their time for money. He uses a powerful step by step online system that’s proven to work for newbies or established coaches.
Karl is the Chairman of Leader Publishing Worldwide, one of the world’s fastest growing international E-Learning companies. His proprietary E-Learning Marketing System for small business owners forms the foundation for his company. It’s perfect for coaches “tired of trying to work it all out…” and looking for a powerful and proven lead generation and prospecting solution to attract business owners using the internet.
Karl Bryan is a recognized leader of a new generation when it comes to online coaching success. His unique ability to think ‘outside the box’ makes him a popular and in-demand speaker, and his high energy, rich in content strategic sales and marketing presentations for coaches are well worth attending.
Karl is the founder and CEO of one of Canada’s fastest growing strategic sales & marketing consultancies – Leader Global Consulting.
He is a recognized leader of a new generation in strategic sales and marketing success and leadership.
Karl has inspired, informed, challenged and entertained thousands of business owners and sales professionals internationally.
He has worked with large corporations, small business owners and sales professionals with the same result – established proven sales strategy and more business profits!
Karl has demonstrated a proven ability to uncover hidden opportunities (both tangible and intangible), unrealized profit centres and develop marketing initiatives in the interest of a
profitable and desirous result for business owners.
He has an extensive background ranging from numerous successful start up companies, in Canada and overseas, through to developing one of Canada’s fastest growing Marketing Consultancies. He has owned and operated small to medium sized enterprises for the past 22 years and is renowned for his ability to problem solve seemingly complex sales and marketing problems into simple profit generating high results-orientated solutions.
He has identified and subsequently developed a powerful 12-point strategic sales and marketing plan that, when followed, generates results every time and essentially creates an unfair playing field where you are selling ‘apples against oranges’ with your competition. The program can be moved from one category of business to another with incredible ease and the same profitable results.
Karl believes strongly in ethical business practices and is highly passionate about educating business owners in the area of strategic sales and marketing. He can be found regularly on the Canadian public speaking circuit.
Karl is a rock star!
– Was sponsored at the age of 21 by the president of National Small Business Australia to consult strategic sales marketing overseas
– Built a $5.5 million dollar business coaching company from scratch following the lead generation system he developed that he now successfully teaches other coaches
– Built the world’s first 7 figure online business school specifically for start ups and local small business owners… and that he now white labels to other coaches and consultants around the world to successfully generate leads and form joint ventures
– Created various marketing and advertising partnership processes that generate all the small business leads coaches and consultants can handle… and without them having to spend a cent on marketing or advertising
Encourage everyone to think strategically, not tactically.
desperate to get clients, desperate to get rid of clients…which basket are you in?
tapped out; glass ceiling because you can only scale so much with hourly work…
3 baskets: Lead Generation with key performance indicators is first basket of coaching biz, Basket 2 is conversion, basket 3 is fulfillment
Lead generation is most difficult, requires expert. Fulfillment is most time consuming…that’s your one hour a a week serving each client.
Put together key performance indicators for each of the 3 parts of business. Make sure each of the 3 stands alone.
Online business school assists with all 3…membership website (150 hours of step by step instructional video)
Time for money model for coaches limits your potential revenues. A currency to monitor is time for credibility.
Figure out how to reduce how much time you’re spending creating your credibility. Leverage your resources.
leverage a system to build a system that leverages your credibility when you’re not there….
Credibility increase leads to conversion increase
Get something automated online to assist you in building your credibility: virtual real estate
Online business coaching membership site breaks down walls and barriers to get you leads for your coaching biz
Sell your prospective members access to online, automated coaching in a way that builds credibility for your real life coaching work
Trade time for your system as opposed to time for money.
1. Do public speaking! Get to the front of the room.
2. Close the audience on a year long access to your coaching program online, not your 1-to-1 consult. $1000 for 12 months access.
3. Joint ventures! Go after B2B clients. They can refer you to other clients.
Let your system do the talking for you. It brings you to the JV conversation with a totally different offer than other coaches.
Media strategy: radio stations; give 25 free memberships for them to use with their sponsors or listeners. You’re giving them $30K value that costs you no time to fulfill
You will BREAK EVEN with only FOUR members…
Business coaches can use his platform…it looks like it’s your platform to offer your community. http://businesscoach2012.com/LCC
Karl Bryan teaches the real secrets to generating high end coaching leads, how to profit by offering coaching clients Virtual Coaching Services… and how coaches can finally stop trading their time for money. He uses a powerful step by step online system that’s proven to work for newbies or established coaches.
Karl is the Chairman of Leader Publishing Worldwide, one of the world’s fastest growing international E-Learning companies. His proprietary E-Learning Marketing System for small business owners forms the foundation for his company. It’s perfect for coaches “tired of trying to work it all out…” and looking for a powerful and proven lead generation and prospecting solution to attract business owners using the internet.
Karl Bryan is a recognized leader of a new generation when it comes to online coaching success. His unique ability to think ‘outside the box’ makes him a popular and in-demand speaker, and his high energy, rich in content strategic sales and marketing presentations for coaches are well worth attending.
Karl is the founder and CEO of one of Canada’s fastest growing strategic sales & marketing consultancies – Leader Global Consulting.
He is a recognized leader of a new generation in strategic sales and marketing success and leadership.
Karl has inspired, informed, challenged and entertained thousands of business owners and sales professionals internationally.
He has worked with large corporations, small business owners and sales professionals with the same result – established proven sales strategy and more business profits!
Karl has demonstrated a proven ability to uncover hidden opportunities (both tangible and intangible), unrealized profit centres and develop marketing initiatives in the interest of a
profitable and desirous result for business owners.
He has an extensive background ranging from numerous successful start up companies, in Canada and overseas, through to developing one of Canada’s fastest growing Marketing Consultancies. He has owned and operated small to medium sized enterprises for the past 22 years and is renowned for his ability to problem solve seemingly complex sales and marketing problems into simple profit generating high results-orientated solutions.
He has identified and subsequently developed a powerful 12-point strategic sales and marketing plan that, when followed, generates results every time and essentially creates an unfair playing field where you are selling ‘apples against oranges’ with your competition. The program can be moved from one category of business to another with incredible ease and the same profitable results.
Karl believes strongly in ethical business practices and is highly passionate about educating business owners in the area of strategic sales and marketing. He can be found regularly on the Canadian public speaking circuit.
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