Home Leading Coaches Center Systems and Processes for Business Operations (Faculty: Mike Kramer)

Systems and Processes for Business Operations (Faculty: Mike Kramer)

3 min read

Coaching 2.0: Are you prepared?

A revolution is transforming the way businesses are managed ~ and coached!  Web 2.0 technology is creating new opportunities for organizations of all sizes to become more open, collaborative and innovative.  This same technology wave is also elevating coaching to new levels of ability and influence.

Imagine being able to help an organization resolve the typical set of problems that confront leaders and their teams: miscommunication, knowledge hording, politicking, lack of focus, alignment and accountability.  Imagine an easier, more effective way to help leaders implement strategies, document knowledge, open communication, engage employees, increase customer satisfaction….and help maximize their success.

Web 2.0 makes it possible and business coaches are playing a critical role helping organizations make the transition from Business 1.0 to Business 2.0.

You’ve probably already experimented with Web 2.0 technology.  You may use an online CRM, project management system, knowledge wiki or blog.  These kinds of tools were introduced at the beginning of the Web 2.0 era ~ way back in 2000-2004 :-).

The current Web 2.0 wave is much bigger and transformative.  It’s not as focused on tools but how to use existing tools to inspire new ways of working and communicating.

Several years ago I became unknowingly but luckily sucked into the Web 2.0 vortex.  I was a successful business coach looking for ways to add value to my client engagements.  I wanted to transform my coaching assignments from temporary projects to ongoing engagements.  I wanted to make my client’s coaching ROI measurable.  I also wanted to make coaching a tangible “product” that prospective clients could easily understand.

The result is an internet based leadership framework that leverages Web 2.0 technology to structure and complement coaching services.  I call the software OnTheSystem because a company can use it to manage all the moving parts of their business on-the- system.   You can use it to structure a variety of high impact coaching engagements including strategic planning, collaboration, values alignment, etc.

Coaches are inventing their own ways of using OnTheSystem.  For example a coach specializing in helping companies adopt the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence (www.Baldrige.gov) asked me to write an Answer Key for OnTheSystem users.  You can download a free copy here:  www.OnTheSystem.com/Baldrige.

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Please let me know if you would like to private online tour of OnTheSystem.  We can talk about Web 2.0, the evolution of the coaching profession and how we might collaborate.

Mike Kramer
Mike @ onthesystem.com

You’ve heard of the Baldridge Award, which is given to companies who exemplify performance excellence. Now you can learn how to help a company (yours or one in which you coach leaders) to satisfy the Baldridge “Criteria for Performance Excellence”.  Click here to download your Baldridge Answer Key:  Baldridge System of Excellence

A note from Michael Kramer:

I believe there is a universal leadership formula that can transform any leader into a great leader and any business into a great business.

The trademarked Win Big™ Formula: “To succeed in business you need to standardize every critical aspect of your day to day operations including an effective leadership routine.”

This formula can be worth millions of dollars to you, as it’ the formula that can transform your business into a highly organized, innovative, productive and profitable market-leader.  When done right, the Win Big™ Formula causes a a cycle of SuperGrowth™, which is sales and profit growth without end.  It is the ultimate breakthrough phenomenon that’s only possible when a business has the operational and leadership systems to support unexpected, rapid growth while maintaining the highest-quality product and service levels. Download the 23-page e-book here: SuperGrowth Boot Camp Session on SuperGrowth Scorecard
And the sample Scorecard here: SuperGrowth Scorecard

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