As a coach we know we have this great background, lots of experience and can offer a great bit of knowledge to our clients. We have built our package, added our modules and are ready to start helping those with our intended calling. But, through proven research, 85% of us hit this snag…trying to get paying clients!
The first step to our success is finding our niche and/or our target market. Once we have that in place we can begin the work to attract people to our product. And not just any people but the “right” people, those that are interested in what we have to offer and will gain the most benefit thus creating a paying client.
Whether you are driving people to your site or adding your client link directly to your marketing material, this is essential. And marketing to the “right” people is even more essential. Obviously you won’t want to post your parenting package on a business coaching forum. Follow your target market and watch where they visit. Then utilize those areas in your marketing campaign.
Partner with a big name in your niche. Maybe you can be featured in their newsletter or a link added to their site as promotion. Potential clients want that relationship, to actually know you. By being included with someone who already has a hold of that niche could give you that boost in recognition.
Again, we need to be relatable and transparent. Clients want to feel like they are important, part of your daily life, friendly and most of all knowledgeable. By offering great content you can entice visitors. Think about what frustrates your target audience and offer solutions. And by having a great site you can also offer a sneak peak to your package by utilizing video and great graphics. We are very visual and when something catches our eye we tend to push for it.
Given the above, getting on the road to paying clients doesn’t seem so unattainable. With a little work and the necessary tools you can be on your way to becoming a huge success in the coaching world!
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