Home Research Case Studies The Transformative Shift in Healthcare Compels Coaching

The Transformative Shift in Healthcare Compels Coaching

9 min read


My 27 years of practicing medicine coupled with my “second career” as an executive business coach provides me with the unique opportunity to form a partnership with physicians who are participating in the transformation of greater than 16% of the US economy. I find physicians are not only eager to jump off the treadmill and stop running to reconnect with why they originally chose the healing arts as a career, but also to apply the business coaching principles that positively impact their businesses, career satisfaction and their patients’ health. The business coaching of physicians is growing in acceptance as evidenced not only by my partnering with larger and larger groups, such as state medical societies, but also the addition of emotional intelligence to the medical school curriculum. So, watch out and hold on, because the growth in the business coaching of physicians is about to become exponential!

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